Amazon EBook Publishing In NZ
At, we help you with eBook self-publishing so your incredible stories can cross borders and reach their potential audience.
Publish An EBook Today

Get your books online on the best publishing platforms. From Kindle and Google Play eBook publishing to smooth distribution on Apple books, Amazon KDP, Ingram, Barnes & Noble Kobo, and Lulu, we're the best publishers you've got!
Publish My EBook On AmazonBrowse the internet, and you'll find eBook publishing websites. But none of them comes with the shining features we offer. From EPUB publication to Barnes and Noble eBook publishing, we cover all phases of distribution to let you fulfil your award-winning dream in a cinch.
From eBook cover design services to publishing, we take charge of every step of your authorship journey so you can hit the Kindle publication milestone without delay.
Publish My EBook OnlineWe not only land you on famous eBook self-publishing platforms but also say 'yes' to every genre that comes our way.
We're one of the best publishing companies in New Zealand because of our exceptional distribution and eBook printing services. Our highly skilled and incredible team burns days and nights to get global attention for your book. Making you accessible to existing and new audiences is just a speck; we do more.
Thousands of submissions are made daily on different platforms, but only a few are published. We'll add you to that fortunate list by getting your publication accepted. Our expert publishers help you upload an eBook to Amazon and file conversion so you get approval on the first attempt.
Don't fall into the ditch of royalties. Head our way, as we only ask for a one-time fee. Once you pay for publishing help, you no longer have to share your revenues. We never ask for any extra charges or have hidden fees. All the profits will go into your pocket only if you partner with us.
The biggest issue authors face is the skyrocketed price. But cheer up since our prices are highly affordable for even newbie authors. Our rates don't exceed your budget, no matter what platform you choose. Plus, you can always save up with our discounts and exclusive deals.
You're good at writing, but publishing doesn't come near your expertise. This is where we lend our helping hand. We set the stage for success and kickstart your writing career by taking over the book launch. Our committed team will take care of any technical issues or distribution hassles.